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英语《The Food Grandma Brings》作文 文案

2019-03-07 小升初作文 类别:其他 500字

下面是文案网小编分享的英语《The Food Grandma Brings》作文 文案,以供大家学习参考。

英语《The Food Grandma Brings》作文  文案

英语《The Food Grandma Brings》作文 文案:

Today, my grandma comes to visit us, because she misses me so much. My grandma lives in a small villiage, she likes the life there and refuses to move out. She will grow some food and she enjoys it. She will bring the fresh the food to us now and then. Indeed, it tastes very different from the market’s. I like the food she brings so much and I am so grateful to her.

英语《The Food Grandma Brings》作文 文案:


英语《The Food Grandma Brings》作文 文案:


英语《The Food Grandma Brings》作文 文案:

there was an old woman who lived all by herself, and she was very lonely. sitting in the kitchen one night, she said, \"oh, i wish i had some company.\"
no sooner had she spoken than down the chimney tumbled two feet from which the flesh had rotted. the old womans eyes bulged with terror.
then two legs dropped to the hearth and attached themselves to the feet.
then a body tumbled down, then two arms, and a mans head.
as the old woman watched, the parts came together into a great, tall man. the man danced around and around the room. faster and faster he went. then he stopped, and he looked into her eyes.
\"what do you come for?\" she asked in a small voice that shivered and shook.
\"what do i come for?\" he said. \"i come for you!\"
(the narrator shouts and jumps at the person near him!)

结语:在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。你所见过的《英语《The Food Grandma Brings》》作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编为大家整理的《英语《The Food Grandma Brings》》作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看《英语《The Food Grandma Brings》》吧